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About the high reliability of military power supply

With the diversification of the market, power supplies have shown different forms and types,Military power supply, Chemical power supply, special power supply, etc. The military power supply has a high degree of reliability, safety, high concealment, and strong adaptability. It is more and more widely used in the market and is gradually becoming popular. Transportation, transportation, aviation and navigation, and processing industries are all areas of military power.

Communication radio power

In military electronic equipment, communication radio power supplies are generally made of separate components (capacitors, inductances). With the improvement of intelligence and environmental requirements, the stability of the power supply becomes a key factor, but the current communication radio power supplies produced in my country The adaptability to the environment is poor, and the capacitor is prone to failure at a high temperature above 85 degrees. Although high-end military capacitors are now used, they still have limitations. The core components are relatively small, no matter in terms of size or reliability.

Aviation power supply

Aviation power supplies generally use 27V voltage, with no over-protection function or automatic recovery, and very strict requirements for volume. In view of the relatively low temperature at high altitudes, aviation power supplies do not have high requirements for low-temperature performance and high-temperature performance, but have high expectations for low-voltage performance. For this type of power supply, volume and weight are important. Although companies are engaged in the production of aviation power supplies, they rely on imports for the use of materials.

The volume of the aerospace power supply is much smaller than that of the radio communication power supply and aerospace power supply, but its power is about 200~300, can withstand high temperatures above 100 degrees, can waterproof, automatically heat and distill, and has extremely high robustness . However, such power supplies need to be very rigorous in terms of verification and testing, especially the manufacture of key chips. my country is still at a relatively low-end technology stage.

In view of the high market demand for military power supplies, in recent years, domestic and foreign companies have invested capital and technology in this field for R&D and production. Military power supplies have been regarded as "sweet steamed buns", and military power supplies can be used no matter if you consider the present or the future. Bring good economic profits to the enterprise.

In recent years, the sudden emergence of modular UPS power supplies in military power supplies has become the core force leading the future power supply market. It is an indispensable key power supply equipment for large enterprises, institutions, government agencies, and scientific research institutions. The Chinese market demand is so huge. , Also attracted the attention of foreign power supply manufacturers.